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أستراليا / رجل - 30 رجل / Anna Stewart

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- عرفنى بنفسك : I am a sensitive, passionate, affectionate, committed, loyal, witty, intelligent, humorous, efficient, creative, caring, generous, communicative, sensual, charming, reliable, cleverly neat woman looking for someone special to share my world with and potentially, to grow old with. I am committed to living to the fullest and growing as a person. Having fun is very important to me and I am looking for someone with whom I can share life's experiences and grow together in faith and love.

- الإهتمامات : i am always open to new possibilities to start a relationship. I like a man who knows how to organize his time, in terms of his work life or whatever he is doing, since a relationship, in addition to sharing beautiful feelings, is also about dedication and effort to continue building real love. whether he is older or younger than me,, I am interested in including myself and being a support on that path.

نبذة : Anna Stewart

سن : 30

جنس : رجل

عنوان : perth, Australia, أستراليا

مستوى دراسي : البكالوريا +5 وما فوق

هواية : traveling

الحالة الاجتماعية: أعزب(ة)

قامة : (173cm)

لون الشعر : بني غامق

لون العيون : أسود

نوع الجسم : متوسط

دين : المسيحية

التدخين : غير مدخن

شرب الخمر: نادرا

لديك أطفال: نعم

أريد أطفالا : لا اريد

Anna Stewart, البحث عن

i am always open to new possibilities to start a relationship. I like a man who knows how to organize his time, in terms of his work life or whatever he is doing, since a relationship, in addition to sharing beautiful feelings, is also about dedication and effort to continue building real love. whether he is older or younger than me,, I am interested in including myself and being a support on that path.

في البحث عن: إمرأة, من عند 75 إلى 40

الهدف: زواج

مستوى دراسي : أي

الحالة الاجتماعية: Any

قامة : من عند (220cm) على

نوع الجسم : أي

دين : أي

التدخين : أي

شرب الخمر: أي



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